About Us
We are a group of students from River Valley High School, Singapore and we chose to do a
CyberFair website on Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system under the category of Businesses and Organizations to allow people
from all over the world to know more
about the MRT.
Due to the accessibility of the MRT in Singapore, most Singaporeans prefer the MRT as
their favoured mode of transport and many
depend on the MRT to get to their preferred destinations everyday. For example, out of the 6 of us here, 5 of us need to take
the MRT to school everyday.
We are aware that many countries also have rail transit systems that are similar to the
MRT in Singapore and that some of them
are indeed more impressive. Nevertheless, we hope you have learnt something about the MRT here in Singapore and how it is
Finally, we hope that we have achieved our aim in rousing your interest enough to discover
more about Singapore and its public
transport system. If you do have any queries, do email us at silvadragon.thor@gmail.com, and we would be
more than happy to answer you.

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