Safety/Security on the MRT
To make sure that safety and security are not compromised on
the MRT, many measures have been taken.
Emergency Equipment
At all MRT stations and
trains, many forms of equipment are
installed to aid commuters in the event of an emergency.
These equipment include the Emergency Stop
Plunger (North South Line and East West Line stations), the
Emergency Train Stop (North East Line stations), the
Emergency Telephone, the passenger intercom at
General Ticketing Machines (North East Line stations), fire
extinguishers, the Emergency Stop Button on escalators, and
the Emergency Detrainment Ramp.
These equipment ensure
that in an emergency situation, passengers on board the
trains and on the platform can be evacuated as quickly as
possible, and the train
can be stopped almost immediately for evacuation.
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The responsibility of
ensuring the safety and security on
the MRT stations and trains does not lie on the MRT staff
alone, but also on the commuters as well. Their
cooperation is required in order to make the MRT and the
ride itself a safe and enjoyable one.
This is achieved through
the frequent announcements in the stations and trains. These
announcements include reminders to “stand behind the yellow
line” when waiting for the train to arrive, to “mind the
platform gap” when boarding the train, and to “inform the
staff or call 999 (Singapore Police Force)” when a
suspicious article is left unattended.
These announcements help
to ensure that the commuters do not endanger their lives or
expose themselves to bomb threats, preventing them from
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The Yellow Line
There have been a few
accidents whereby commuters attempt
suicide by jumping onto the tracks or get run over by a
train after accidentally falling onto the
tracks, after crossing the yellow line which acts as a
safety barrier.
To protect commuters, the
yellow line is installed at all elevated stations to prevent
such accidents from occurring. Commuters can be fined up to
S$500 if they cross
the yellow line before the train has stopped, or up to
S$5000 if they are caught on the tracks.

Safety announcements
reminding passengers not to step across the yellow line are
played whenever the train is about to arrive. These
announcements are played in
4 main languages: English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. The
English version is as follows: "Your attention please, for
your own safety, please stand behind the yellow
line. Thank you."
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Platform Screen
Platform screen doors by
Westinghouse (a member of the
Knorr-Bremse Group) are installed at all underground MRT
stations. Singapore's MRT system was the first
heavy rail system in the world to incorporate the platform
screen doors at its stations in 1987. These doors serve to
prevent commuters from attempting suicides,
enable climate control within the station (better
ventilation and air conditioning), better security control
as access to the tunnels and tracks is restricted, and for
passenger safety considerations.

There are 2 series of the
platform screen doors in use. The first series, installed at
the underground stations along the North South Line and the
East West Line
(except Changi Airport station), have been in use
1987. These cost about S$1 million per platform. The latest
series of platform screen doors, featuring a
sleeker design and incorporating more glass, are installed
at the Changi Airport station and all stations
along the
North East Line in 2002 and 2003

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Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
All MRT stations are
equipped with many recordable digital
CCTV systems. As the staff are able to monitor the
commuters’ movement, this ensures their safety. At
the same time, the risk of a terrorist attack is also
minimized, as suspicious characters who might pose a danger
to commuters will be caught on the CCTV

The MRT stations located
in the Central Business District, such as Orchard MRT
station, offer tighter security by equipping the MRT station
with many CCTV cameras
so that there are no blind spots.
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Fire Safety
Every MRT station is carefully designed to reduce the risk
of a fire breakout. The MRT abides by strict guidelines for
enhancing fire safety.
This includes emergency
exits made available within every 600m, an emergency
evacuation time of maximum 6 minutes, as well as fire
extinguishers in
all stations.

As for the trains, all
North East Line trains are equipped with
smoke detection
systems and most carriages have at least one fire
extinguisher stored in a side

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