Refurbished Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 Cars
As the C151 trains in use on the MRT system are already quite outdated compared to
newer trains, SMRT Corporation, which
operates the trains, has invested
S$142.7 million to refurbish these trains. It aims to refurbish these trains by 2008.
The exterior of the refurbished C151 trains will resemble that of C751B cars, with the black
and grey colour scheme with a red
stripe in between, except that they will
have flat frontal structures. The run number displays of the refurbished trains remain unchanged, with the manual plastic
rollers kept intact.

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Interior Design
The refurbished trains have a design that allows for a larger capacity of passengers, while
still providing comfort for them. The
number of seats for each row in each
carriage have been reduced to 7, but the width of the seats has increased from 43cm to 48cm. The seats are also placed
further back against the wall, which
provides extra standing space for commuters. Special spaces designed for wheelchairs can also be found at the middle
carriages, and are situated nearest to lifts at
the elevated stations.
There are two rows of handgrips in each carriage, situated on the support bars of the seats
on each side of the train. Grabpoles
are placed nearer to the doors and at
both ends of the carriage. The grabpoles have three separate bent bars so that more commuters can grab it at any one
LED displays have been introduced at the top of the doors, and these displays flash when
the doors are closing. The sound system
has been given a boost with more
speakers being placed in each carriage, increasing the overall sound volume.
The colour scheme has undergone changes too. The orange colour scheme has been
replaced by a red colour scheme and every
row of seats has three lighter-
coloured seats in the centre and two darker-coloured seats at the ends. The blue and green colour schemes remain the same.
The walls of the carriages are coloured
white throughout the train, making the train seem much brighter.

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Technical Specifications
Length of train: 138m (23m per carriage)
Width of carriage: 3.2m
Height of carriage: 3.7m
Weight of carriage: 35,000kg
Number of seats per train: 300
Number of passengers standing per train: 1,428
Maximum passenger load: 1,920 per train or 320 per carriage
Average speed: 45km/h
Maximum service speed: 80km/h
Track gauge: 1,435mm
Track voltage: 750V DC third rail
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